Authenticate users

Connect to user wallets and authenticate your users using Stacks.js.

Authentication is a fundamental part of many web applications, ensuring that users are who they claim to be and that their data is secure. With the Stacks blockchain, user authentication involves connecting to users' wallets and managing their sessions securely.

The @stacks/connect package from Stacks.js provides the tools needed to integrate this functionality seamlessly into your web app.

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  1. 1Install the @stacks/connect package.
  2. 2Connect to a user's wallet.
  3. 3Manage authentication state.
  4. 4Access user data.

Install the @stacks/connect package

npm install @stacks/connect

Connect to a user's wallet

After installing the @stacks/connect package, you can use the connect function to initiate a wallet connection. This will trigger a popup that allows users to select and connect their wallet.

import { connect } from '@stacks/connect';
async function authenticate() {
const response = await connect();
// response contains the user's addresses

The connect function stores the user's addresses in local storage by default, making it easy to persist the user's session across page reloads and browser sessions.

You can customize the connection behavior by passing options to the connect function, such as forcing wallet selection or specifying default providers.

Manage authentication state

You can manage the user's authentication state using the following functions:

import { connect, disconnect, isConnected } from '@stacks/connect';
// Check if user is connected
const authenticated = isConnected();
// Connect to wallet
await connect();
// Disconnect user
disconnect(); // clears local storage and selected wallet

Access user data

Once connected, you can access the user's data using the getLocalStorage function or make specific requests using the request method:

import { getLocalStorage, request } from '@stacks/connect';
// Get stored user data
const userData = getLocalStorage();
// {
// "addresses": {
// "stx": [
// ],
// "btc": [
// { "address": "bc1pp3ha248m0mnaevhp0txfxj5xaxmy03h0j7zuj2upg34mt7s7e32q7mdfae" },
// ]
// }
// }
// Get detailed account information
const accounts = await request('stx_getAccounts');
// {
// "addresses": [
// {
// "publicKey": "02d3331cbb9f72fe635e6f87c2cf1a13cd...",
// "gaiaHubUrl": "",
// "gaiaAppKey": "0488ade4040658015580000000dc81e3a5..."
// }
// ]
// }
For a list of all available methods, see the API reference page.

Next steps